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Student Fees support general student services on campus and are charged per semester based on full- or part-time status. Over the years, CSU students have organized themselves to review, recommend, and approve resources and services to better the student experience. These investments significantly contribute to CSU being one of the nation’s top public research universities. CSU is propelled by a steadfast commitment to excellence, both inside and outside of the classroom.

How to get involved with student fees:

Student Fee Review Board (SFRB): A body comprised of student members and non-student, ex officio members that exists for purposes of providing efficient, equitable, and consistent review of Student Fees and the services for which Fees are assessed. SFRB makes recommendations to the Board of Governors regarding Fee proposals, new Fee-funded areas, and changes to existing Student Fees. The SFRB Bylaws and the ASCSU Constitution govern the SFRB. The SFRB must approve any recommended Fees from the following: Alternative Transportation Fee Advisory Board (ATFAB), University Facility Fee Advisory Board (UFFAB), and University Technology Fee Advisory Board (UTFAB). If you have questions, visit the FAQ section below or review the CSU Student Fee policy.

For information on how to apply for the SFRB, email ascsu_vice_president@mail.colostate.edu.

To join a Fee advisory board, please contact the Fee program or area directly through the links below.


The Student Fees to be assessed are approved annually by the Board of Governors of the Colorado State University System. The President of the University annually recommends to the Board of Governors the specific Fees and the allocation of Fee revenues, which may be approved, rejected, or modified at the Board’s discretion. In addition, without restricting the President’s discretion, the Bylaws of the Student Fee Review Board (SFRB) set forth the meaningful processes by which student input on Student Fees is provided to the University administration before the President makes a recommendation to the Board of Governors. The budget assumptions on which to base the requests are set by the President, consistent with the institution’s annual budget process.

The Board of Governors annually reviews and approves Student Fees. Its review and approval process includes any new Student Fees and increases in existing Fees. Notwithstanding any other provision in the Institutional Fee Plan, or any other governing procedure, rule, bylaw, or policy, the Board of Governors shall provide to students at least thirty (30) days’ advance notice of a new Fee assessment or Fee increase, which notice, at a minimum, specifies:

  1. The amount of the new Fee or of the Fee increase;
  2. The reason for the new Fee or Fee increase;
  3. The purpose for which the institution will use the revenues received from the new Fee or Fee increase;
  4. Whether the new Fee or Fee increase is temporary or permanent and, if temporary, the expected date on which the new Fee or Fee increase will be discontinued. 

A decision by the Board of Governors regarding a Fee shall be final and incontestable either on the thirtieth day after final action by the Board of Governors or on the date on which any evidence of indebtedness or other obligation payable from the Fee revenues is issued or incurred by the Board, whichever is earlier.

Board of Governors: Student Fee Policy

Each academic year, an SFRB member will be assigned as a liaison to one or more programs or activities funded by existing Student Fees. The SFRB liaison will work with the Director of the program or activity throughout the academic year to learn about the program and its budget and to review any proposed change or increase to the Fees supporting that program. The Director of the Fee-funded area and the assigned liaison will present the budget and all relevant information for the next fiscal year. The SFRB liaison for a Fee area may advise the SFRB but shall not cast a vote on Fees for that area. University leadership may also present information to the SFRB regarding institutional priorities and goals. The SFRB shall review and consider all information presented, including student input/feedback received by each SFRB member, following the specific processes and procedures detailed in the Bylaws of the SFRB. All recommendations for new Fee-funded areas shall be submitted to the SFRB in the form of a proposal as detailed in the SFRB Bylaws. The proposal shall demonstrate that the Fee request is student-sponsored, that sufficient student need for the Fee exists, and that the Fee will be allocated in partnership with a specific University department. Final approval of a new Student Fee rests with the Board of Governors.

After the SFRB has reviewed the information presented by the liaisons, Directors, and University leadership, and evaluated any requests for new Fees, Fee increases or decreases, and Fee extensions, the SFRB forms recommendations and presents them to the ASCSU Senate for a vote of confidence. The President’s leadership team (such as the President’s Cabinet or Operations Team, at the President’s discretion) then reviews the recommendations and forwards them to the President, who then forwards them to the Board of Governors for final action, along with any additional or different institutional recommendations. The CSU student representative to the Board of Governors attends the meeting at which the Board reviews and approves the Student Fees.

Except for Contractually Based Fees and/or to provide for mandatory cost increases, all new Student Fees, and all increases in existing Student Fees, shall be subject to the Bylaws of the SFRB. Mandatory costs comprise salaries and benefits, debt service, utilities and general and administrative fees assigned by the University. All requests for new Student Fees, other than Contractually Based Fees, shall be initiated through the established SFRB process. This process shall require the SFRB to make recommendations regarding Student Fees in accordance with the SFRB Bylaws and ASCSU Constitution.

The process described includes direct, meaningful student input on all Fees. If a student wishes to lodge a complaint about a specific Student Fee (other than a Contractually Based Fee), the student submits a complaint or request for a Fee waiver to the Vice President for Student Affairs at vpsa@colostate.edu, who may hear the appeal or appoint an appeal officer to hear the appeal and resolve the issues. The decision of the VPSA or appeal officer is final.

Regardless of individual use, all Fees areas contribute to the sense of community at CSU. In the case of the public transportation, while someone may not make use of such services, students making use of public transportation help to reduce traffic in coming to and from campus, for the benefit of all of us.  All such Fee areas, as determined by the Student Fee Review Board, contribute in a multitude of ways to the greater good of CSU’s campus community.

Students taking five or fewer credits are considered part-time for Fee assessment purposes, with students taking six or more credits being assessed at the full-time Fee rate.  Part-time Fees are assessed based on whether the service is considered “individualized” (in which the Fee is the same as for full-time students) or of a “community benefit” (in which the Fee is assessed at 5/12 of the full-time student Fee rate).  For examples, Student Legal Services is considered an “individualized” Fee service area, and the assessed Fee is the same whether a student is considered full-time or part-time; the ASCSU Fee area is considered a “community benefit” Fee service area, so the part-time Fee has been reduced to 5/12 of the full Fee amount.  Overall, the part-time student Fee is roughly 26% of the full Fee-paying student, depending on the number of credits (note: the UFFAB Fee is the only Fee which is variable by credit). 

Colorado State University places unique focus on both transparency and student-led oversight on all matters concerning student Fees. CSU’s Student Fee Review Board, led and operated solely by students, stands out as unique in its composition and the reach of its oversight. This distinctive student-centric decision-making model is notably less prevalent among comparable institutions. CSU’s proud commitment to student involvement in the student Fee process underscores the ability of our students to shape resources across campus directly to their needs.  

Send us a message below if you have questions or concerns that have not been answered here.
