Our By-Laws


Section 1
A student shall be selected as Chair from the membership no later than the last week of the Spring Semester to serve the following academic year. Terms of office shall run from the time of election to the end of the following Spring Semester.

Duties of the Chair (4-5 hours per week): 

  1. Work to create intentional relationships across the LSC to seek opportunities for collaboration and information sharing. 
  2. Foster an organizational culture which embraces the Principles of Community, including inclusion, integrity, respect, service, and social justice. 
  3. Embrace and apply the tenets of a team model with colleagues and peers to sustain an inclusive work environment that fosters a culture of belonging in support of multiple and intersecting identities.  
  4. Establish agendas, share with members, and preside over the Lory Student Center Governing Board meetings. 
  5. Review and approve public weekly Meeting Minutes. 
  6. Oversee all membership of the Lory Student Center Governing Board. 
  7. Represent the Lory Student Center Governing Board at any meeting deemed necessary by the Board, including the Vice President for Student Affairs Student Leadership Council. 
  8. Create and appoint Ad Hoc Committees when deemed necessary by the Board. 
  9. Update the current project outline when necessary. 
  10. Coordinate planning of the Lory Student Center Governing Board retreats, orientations, and any other activity that the Lory Student Center Governing Board deems necessary. 
  11. Meet regularly with LSCGB advisor(s). 
  12. The Chair shall vote only in the case of a tie. 
  13. At the discretion of the Chair and with the approval of the Board, any representative may be added to the Executive Board for a specified period of time. 
  14. Maintain all annual reports submitted by members. 
  15. Complete Registered Student Organization (RSO) training and RamLink page renewal in the fall semester.  
  16. Become P-Card trained. 
  17. Schedule the Directors of the Lory Student Center to present area updates about anything they deem necessary to the Lory Student Center Governing Board at least once an [academic] year or as the Board deems helpful and necessary. 
  18. Evaluate the tasks and duties of the Lory Student Center Governing Board and submit an annual written report of the Chair’s work to the Lory Student Center Governing Board. 
  19. Fulfill any other duties deemed necessary by the Lory Student Center Governing Board.

Section 2 
Students shall be elected as Vice Chair, Administrative Director, and Marketing Directors (undergraduate and graduate) from the membership at the same time as the Chairperson. Terms of office shall run from the time of election to the end of the following Spring Semester.

Duties of the Vice Chair (3-4 hours per week):

  1. Work to create intentional relationships across the LSC to seek opportunities for collaboration and information sharing. 
  2. Foster an organizational culture which embraces the Principles of Community, including inclusion, integrity, respect, service, and social justice. 
  3. Embrace and apply the tenets of a team model with colleagues and peers to sustain an inclusive work environment that fosters a culture of belonging in support of multiple and intersecting identities.  
  4. Complete Officer Registration with Ramlink and Pcard training and maintain access  
  5. Assume the duties of the Chair in their temporary absence. 
  6. Assist the Chair in recruiting and retaining members. 
  7. Serve or appoint a representative to the Assessment Planning Evaluation (APE) Committee. 
  8. Be responsible for compiling all necessary information and research for submitted Policy Exception Request(s). 
  9. Be responsible for completing orientation and training of new Lory Student Center Governing Board members. 
  10. Assist the Chair to coordinate the planning of Lory Student Center Governing Board retreats, dinners, orientations, and any other activity that the Lory Student Center Governing Board deems necessary. 
  11. Submit an annual written report of the Vice Chair’s work to the Lory Student Center Governing Board. 

Duties of the Administrative Director (3-4 hours per week): 

  1. Foster an organizational culture which embraces the Principles of Community, including inclusion, integrity, respect, service, and social justice. 
  2. Embrace and apply the tenets of a team model with colleagues and peers to sustain an inclusive work environment that fosters a culture of belonging in support of multiple and intersecting identities.  
  3. Keep minutes and all official reports of the Lory Student Center Governing Board, excluding those submitted by each member, which shall be kept by the Chair. 
  4. Keep record of member attendance. 
  5. Submit minutes to the Chair and members of the Board within 48 hours after the meeting. 
  6. Update Minutes Motions Archive when needed or at least at the end of each semester. 
  7. Assist the Chair to coordinate and financially plan Lory Student Center Governing Board retreats, dinners, orientations, and any other activity that the Lory Student Center Governing Board deems necessary. 
  8. Assist Chair with formatting the calendar with the General, Executive, Assessment & Planning Committee, and Student Few Review Board meetings and distributing it to members at the beginning of each semester. 
  9. Maintain contact list for all individuals on the Board. 
  10. Maintain all official treasury reports and disburse all funds of the Lory Student Center Governing Board. 
  11. Maintain all Lory Student Center Governing Board funds in the designated Student Organization’s account. 
  12. Serve on or appoint a representative to the Student Few Review Board. 
  13. Compete RSO training and RamLink page renewal in the fall semester. 
  14. Become P-Card trained. 
  15. Present a monthly report to the Lory Student Center Governing Board. 
  16. Submit an annual written report of the Administrative Director’s work to the Lory Student Center Governing Board. 
  17. Reserve rooms for meetings and order catering, with consideration of all dietary restrictions along with accommodations for members and guests. 

Duties of the Marketing Director, Undergraduate (3-4 hours per week): 

  1. Foster an organizational culture which embraces the Principles of Community, including inclusion, integrity, respect, service, and social justice. 
  2. Embrace and apply the tenets of a team model with colleagues and peers to sustain an inclusive work environment that fosters a culture of belonging in support of multiple and intersecting identities.  
  3. Collaborate with LSC partners to plan annual events such as:  
    -Ramapolooza (Campus Activities) 
    -Plaza Activation (Campus Activities, RamEvents, Event Planning Services) 
    -Final’s Week Fuel Up (Executive Director’s Office) 
    -SHAPE (LSC HR Team)  
  4. Present monthly at ASCSU Senate meetings during “Gallery Input” on LSC happenings.  
  5. Meet regularly with the Lory Student Center Marketing department to coordinate promotional activities and recruitment of undergraduate members for the Lory Student Center Governing Board. 
  6. Meet regularly with the Lory Student Center Talent Development team to assist with orientations, training workshops, etc.  
  7. Manage the Lory Student Center Governing Board website and RamLink page. 
  8. Assemble proposals for public relations items, with assistance from LSC Marketing. 
  9. Assemble proposals for the Lory Student Center Governing Board’s other marketing items. 
  10. Present a monthly report to the Lory Student Center Governing Board. 
  11. Submit an annual written report of the Marketing Director’s work to the Lory Student Center Governing Board.  

Duties of the Marketing Director, Graduate (3-4 hours per week): 

  1. Work to create intentional relationships across the LSC to seek opportunities for collaboration. 
  2. Foster an organizational culture which embraces the Principles of Community, including inclusion, integrity, respect, service, and social justice. 
  3. Embrace and apply the tenets of a team model with colleagues and peers to sustain an inclusive work environment that fosters a culture of belonging in support of multiple and intersecting identities.  
  4. Collaborate with LSC partners to plan annual events such as:

    – Ramapolppza (Capus Activities)
    – Graduate Student Orientation (Graduate School) 
    – Plaza Activation (Campus Activities, RamEvents, Event Planning Services) 
    – Final’s Week Fuel Up (Executive Director’s Office) 
    – SHAPE (LSC HR Team)
    – LSC Birthday Celebration (Executive Director’s Office, Marketing) 
    – LSC Graduate Celebration (interdepartmental committee)
    Employee Appreciation Events (interdepartmental committee) 

  5. Present monthly at Graduate Student Council meetings during “Gallery Input” on LSC happenings.   
  6. Meet regularly with the Lory Student Center Marketing department to coordinate promotional activities and recruitment of graduate student members for the Lory Student Center Governing Board. 
  7. Meet regularly with the Lory Student Center Talent Development team to assist with orientations, training workshops, etc.  
  8. Manage the Lory Student Center Governing Board website and RamLink page. 
  9. Assemble proposals for public relations items, with assistance from LSC Marketing. 
  10. Assemble proposals for the Lory Student Center Governing Board’s other marketing items. 
  11. Present a monthly report to the Lory Student Center Governing Board. 
  12. Submit an annual written report of the Marketing Director’s work to the Lory Student Center Governing Board. 



Section 1 
The LSCGB shall consist of, at minimum, 4 students. Two members of the Board are mandated by Article III, Section 1 of the LSCGB Constitution. These are: 

  1. The Executive Director of the Lory Student Center 
  2. A professional staff member of the Lory Student Center – Co-Advisor 

The Executive Director and professional staff members of the Lory Student Center shall be given ex-officio status, it being noted that the Executive Director has veto power over LSCGB decisions by the Lory Student Center Governing Board Constitution. 

Executive officers of the LSCGB will be paid hourly for their work (each between 2-5 hours per week during the academic year), while general members will serve voluntarily. 

Section 2 
The following voting members of the Board shall be selected from the following areas. 

  1. One full-time staff representative from a Lory Student Center Department (time spent within their 40-hour work week). 
  2. One state classified employee from a division or department other than that of the Lory Student Center (time spent within their 40-hour work week). 
  3. One faculty member from the Division of Academic Affairs. 
  4. One alumni member (who may or may not be from the Alumni Association). 
  5. Four students, who are representatives of the student body, and up to five executive officers. 

Section 3 
They shall be selected through an application process to be carried out following the sixth week of the Spring Semester. Member appointments are to be made by the end of April, as vacancies arrive. Orientation for all members will be conducted at the beginning of the Fall Semester. 
Section 4 
All terms of office shall begin one week prior to start of the Fall Semester to contribute to the Lory Student Center’s orientation event for new/transfer students. All are renewable for a second year if the member is again approved by the Executive Board. 
Section 5 
All student members of the LSCGB shall be fee-paying students. 


Section 1 
Any voting member is subject to removal from the LSCGB if they have accumulated three absences during a semester. The member being dismissed will be given a minimum of seven (7) days’ written notice. This person has the right to a written appeal and the process can take place at a regular board meeting. In the event of removal, the Chairperson will be responsible for gaining the LSCGB’s approval on a replacement for the removed member. 

Section 2 
Removal from the LSCGB requires two-thirds vote of quorum. 


Section 1 
The LSCGB shall determine the rules of procedure, for meetings, annually. A quorum shall consist of a majority (1 over 1/2) of the current voting membership. Regular meetings shall be held weekly during the regular school term unless rescheduled by the LSCGB at a previous meeting. 

Section 2 
Summer meetings may be called by the Lory Student Center Executive Director and/or staff advisor on an “as-needed” basis. Official decisions require at least five (5) voting members, with a simple majority carrying the decision. There must be at least 72 hours (about 3 days) notice to call a meeting during this time. During the summer, email communication may also be used, with a simple majority carrying the decision. 


Proposals to change or create policies and procedures shall be submitted by following the below guidelines: 

  1. An LSC Policy Exception Request must be filled out completely and submitted to the LSCGB Vice Chair at least 21 days (3 weeks) prior to the event. 
  2. The LSCGB Vice Chair will compile all necessary information and research needed to bring the request to the LSC Governing Board. This includes, but is not limited to, the number of appropriate copies of the request, necessary pictures, and set up of the presentation. 
  3. The LSCGB Vice Chair will present the exception request to the LSC Governing Board at the following scheduled meeting. 
  4. Following proper order of discussion, debate, and voting procedures, the LSC Governing Board will determine whether to approve or disapprove the request. 
  5. Notification of the LSC Governing Board’s decision will be executed by the LSCGB Chair and a copy of the signed and dated exception request will be provided for the contact person. In the event that the exception request is disapproved a letter will accompany the copy of the signed and dated exception request, detailing the reason for disapproval. If the criteria for consideration of a policy exception request are not met, the Lory Student Center Governing Board is entitled with the decision to not consider the request. Exceptions to existing policies and procedures shall require a 2/3-majority vote, of the current membership. 

All percentages of votes by the By-Laws shall be of the quorum present and voting, including abstentions. 

Approved: 3/21/2007 
Revised: 11/8/2012 
Revised: 11/14/17 
Revised: 8/21/2023