Bone Marrow

This painting was gifted to the LSC Arts Program in 2011 by Ed & Mimi Hurtubis and Christian Jorgensen. Today, it hangs in the LSC, carrying the story of an accomplished CSU alumna struggling with a debilitating illness.

Cynthia Hurtubis graduated from the CSU Interior Design Program in 1988. However, in 1977 Cynthia was diagnosed with a fatal bone marrow disease, inspiring her artwork. Undoubtedly talented, Cynthia’s work examines the subject of her body and her health. Sadly, Cynthia passed away in 2003 at the age of 37.

Ed & Mimi Hurtubis, her loving parents, approached the Arts Program out of a desire to have one of their beloved daughter’s works present in the LSC.  Tin short, the generous gift was accepted, and now Bone Marrow graces the halls of the LSC, as both memorial to a talented artist and inspiration to CSU students.
