Current Exhibitions

Current Art Exhibitions

Splendid Species Post (1)

The Sideshow: Splendid Species

Ava Mitchell: Splendid Species May – August 2024 The Sideshow Ava Mitchell is a third year Integrated Visual Studies major from Highlands Ranch, Colorado. While she’s not sketching birds or practicing with gouache paint (her favorite medium), she can be found exploring the zoology labs or rollerblading around campus. “My general artistic practice attempts to depict Earth’s many species in an incredibly detailed manner. In this gallery exhibition, I hope to heighten audience awareness of the beauty of natural creatures and

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Thoughts And Prayers LCD

Thoughts and Prayers

February – July 2024 Reception: April 2, 4:30 – 6pm Duhesa Gallery, Lory Student Center Gregg Deal, (Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe) is a multi-disciplinary artist, activist, and “disruptor.” His work is informed by his Native identity and includes exhaustive critiques of American society, politics, popular culture and history. Through paintings, murals, performance work, filmmaking, spoken word, and more, Deal invites the viewer to confront these issues both in the present and the past tense. Deal has lectured in multiple institutions,

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Upcoming Art Exhibitions

Past Art Exhibitions

Sensational Inflatable MaxAdrian

The Sensational Inflatable Furry Divines by Max Adrian

Max Adrian is a visual artist whose soft-sculptural work playfully considers queer ideas of sexuality and identity through Craft. Greatly influenced by LGBTQ+ history, drag, puppetry, street theater, and other forms of radical performance, Adrian sews highly tactile sculptures that reference his performative influences with connotations of costume, nightlife, and sexual scenarios. His

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