Current Exhibitions

Current Art Exhibitions

Splendid Species Post (1)

The Sideshow: Splendid Species

Ava Mitchell: Splendid Species May – August 2024 The Sideshow Ava Mitchell is a third year Integrated Visual Studies major from Highlands Ranch, Colorado. While she’s not sketching birds or practicing with gouache paint (her favorite medium), she can be found exploring the zoology labs or rollerblading around campus. “My general artistic practice attempts to depict Earth’s many species in an incredibly detailed manner. In this gallery exhibition, I hope to heighten audience awareness of the beauty of natural creatures and

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Thoughts And Prayers LCD

Thoughts and Prayers

February – July 2024 Reception: April 2, 4:30 – 6pm Duhesa Gallery, Lory Student Center Gregg Deal, (Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe) is a multi-disciplinary artist, activist, and “disruptor.” His work is informed by his Native identity and includes exhaustive critiques of American society, politics, popular culture and history. Through paintings, murals, performance work, filmmaking, spoken word, and more, Deal invites the viewer to confront these issues both in the present and the past tense. Deal has lectured in multiple institutions,

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Upcoming Art Exhibitions

Past Art Exhibitions

7251 Prairie Dreams Social Media Thumbnail

Prairie Dreams

Isaiah Stewart‘s work is involved with historical imagery of plains Lakota people’s everyday life. His interests are always focused on the figure, and its relationship to the land.  Illustrations of lives from the past intermixed with modern life, helps to inform Stewart’s art by what he seeks in his artistic

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CIIPE COLORADO INTERNATIONAL INVITATIONAL POSTER EXHIBITION 2022   September 23, 2022 – November 4, 2022 The 22nd biennial Colorado International Invitational Poster Exhibition (CIIPE) is a series of exhibitions and events featuring the world’s most distinguished poster artists and designers. Hosted by Colorado State University’s Department of Art and Art

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Unite showcases the work of 5 graduate students studying in the Master of Fine Arts program here at Colorado State University. The show highlights the work of Seojung Lee, Vincente Delgado, Keri Wolfe, Leila Malekadeli, and Adam Hinkelman. By bringing these specific research-based works together, the show delves into the

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Transient Objects of Desire

“For many years now I have been interested in the images of the impacts of natural and manmade disasters. I explore this theme in many different mediums including, painting, sculpture and installation and things in between. The work represents a collision between nature and people. It raises questions about longevity,

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Glitched Anagrams & Morphology

Hallery Show featured artists Micah Alhadeff & Natalie Freeman “Glitched Anagrams” are Surrealist-inspired digital paintings of ‘glitched’ 3D models. In this series, I explore the body as an infinite re-assembly of visual anagrams. I define anagram as a sentence – composed of numbers strung together that when re-assembled create new

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The Folly of Dominion

Brenda Mallory’s mixed media sculptural works are comprised of a variety of materials including cloth, fibers, beeswax, and found objects.  By creating multiple forms that are joined with crude hardware that imply tenuous connections or repairs, her work addresses ideas of interference and disruption in long-established systems of nature and

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Hallery: LSC Arts 2021- 22

This exhibition features works created by the Lory Student Center Arts Staff. Mediums range from printmaking to drawing. This exhibition will be up until February 5th. Artists Included: Keri Wolfe Miles Buchan Alexis Ruff Max Schwaninger Nikoo Monem

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