Employee Guidebook

Welcome from the Executive Director

Welcome to the Lory Student Center! Whether you are a brand new employee or a more seasoned member of the LSC, we’re glad to have you on board!

As a student-fee funded auxiliary of Colorado State University, the LSC exists for the purpose of providing services and amenities which facilitate a strong connection between students and their campus community. Regardless of your position or whether you work in the LSC, Morgan’s Grind, the SLiCE office, or any one of our more than 40 cost centers, LSC employees are joined by our commitment to excellence and to providing high-quality service to all we serve.

The LSC’s success is the result of innovative and hard-working employees willing to make suggestions and think creatively. Our hope is that all of our employees will use the opportunities available to them to expand their knowledge and skills to develop personally and professionally. We want the LSC to be a source of inspiration and pride to each and every one of us.

This handbook is a resource to assist employees in understanding key policies and procedures. It should be used as a ready reference to answer employment-related questions and to assist in ensuring consistent and fair treatment for all employees. The LSC values our work force and the contribution of each and every staff member.

Again, welcome! We look forward to working with you.


Mike Ellis 2023

Michael E. Ellis, Ed.D.
Associate VP Student Affairs, Executive Director Lory Student Center
(970) 491-6395 Office; (970) 207-1228 Home

History of the Lory Student Center

In 1932, two Colorado A&M student leaders conceived the idea of a student union facility. They mounted a campaign to gain acceptance of such an idea by both University administrators and students. The student body voted to assess themselves an annual fee of $9 for the purpose of building a fund for “the Union,” knowing that many students would graduate before construction of the facility was completed.

The first Colorado A&M Union was completed in 1936 and was named Johnson Hall, after a well-liked Dean of the Faculty (S. Arthur Johnson, 1902-1930s). In 1939, Johnson Hall was expanded south to create a large ballroom and several adjacent lounges and meeting rooms.

When Colorado A&M became Colorado State University in the early 1960s, enrollment growth necessitated a larger and more centrally located facility. A new building, consisting of 160,000 square feet, was completed in 1962. This facility was named after Charles A. Lory, Colorado State University’s President from 1908 to 1933. Within four years, another surge in enrollment led to a 140,000 square foot addition. Completed in 1968, this addition, along with the original facility, covered approximately seven acres and was intended to support an enrollment of 20,000 students.

On July 28, 1997, the Lory Student Center (LSC) and much of the campus was hit by a flood. Completed 20 months later, an $18 million dollar renovation of the Center produced a new and reconfigured lower level.

As the physical facility has expanded, the LSC has become “home” to numerous organizations and business partners, including Adult Learner & Veteran Services; Asian/Pacific American Cultural Center; Black/African American Cultural Center; Career Center; El Centro; FastPrint (formerly CopyRite); First National Bank; Fraternity & Sorority Life; Freddy’s; Canvas Credit Union; Garbanzo; James Campus Salon; Native American Cultural Center; Off-Campus Life; Panda Express; PRIDE Resource Center; RamCard; RAMtech; Recycled Cycles; Rocky Mountain Student Media Corporation (RMSMC); Spoons; Student Legal Services; Subway; Taco Bell; Transfort; Ramskeller; Satellite Offices for Student Disability Center (SDC); International Programs; and Survivor Advocacy and Feminist Education (SAFE) Center.

Maintaining a healthy balance between student support services and revenue generating businesses continues to be a priority for the Lory Student Center Governing Board (LSCGB) and staff.

CSU’s Mission Statement

Inspired by its land-grant heritage, CSU is committed to excellence, setting the standard for public research universities in teaching, research, service and extension for the benefit of the citizens of Colorado, the United States and the world.

– Adopted by the Board of Governors of the Colorado State University System in May 2010

DSA’s Mission Statement

The Division of Student Affairs fosters a campus community that supports students in the development of their unique potential, inspiring them to be active learners, successful graduates, and engaged citizens.

LSC’s Mission Statement

As a student-centered organization at the heart of campus, we provide programs and services that create an inclusive community and inspire active, engaged learning.

LSC’s Philosophy

The LSC is proud to foster an environment that honors and respects all members of the University community, and creates a friendly, inviting destination for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests. We value the provision of stable, yet flexible employment that embraces enthusiastic teamwork, development of employees, and superior customer service for both internal and external customers. We are proud to be the gathering place for the campus community offering vibrant social, educational, recreational, and cultural activities that stimulate discussion and debate.

We believe in the mutual respect that develops through positive, collaborative relationships among individuals. Learning about one another and celebrating the rich diversity of people and ideas within our community is at the core of what we value.

LSC General Statement

The Lory Student Center is the community center for all members of the Colorado State University campus including students, faculty, staff, and visitors. The Lory Student Center provides a central place for students and others to spend time learning, socializing and relaxing while coming to feel more closely connected to the campus. The Lory Student Center contributes directly to the educational mission of Colorado State University by providing encouragement and opportunities for participation in educational, cultural, and recreational activities and provides services for the convenience of the campus community.

The Lory Student Center seeks to provide a safe and secure place in which a wide array of programs and services may be offered to the campus community. The Lory Student Center is a non-profit organization supported in part by student fees. The following policies and procedures guide the management of the Lory Student Center and are designed to help members of the community understand the Lory Student Center’s operations and to assist them in making full use of its programs, services, and facilities. The Lory Student Center Governing Board with review and advice from Lory Student Center staff approves all policies. Exceptions to the policies and procedures in this manual may be made by the Executive Director of the Lory Student Center and his/her designee as needed and with appropriate consultation with the Lory Student Center Governing Board.

LSC Building Maps

Building maps are located on the Building Maps page.

Interactive On-Campus Food Map

Lory Student Center



Advocacy Offices

Adult Learner and Veteran Services

Asian/Pacific American Cultural Center

Black/African American Cultural Center

El Centro

Pride Resource Center

Native American Cultural Center

Resources for Disabled Students

Business Services

Campus Activities/Campus Information

Campus Activities

Campus Box Office

Campus Information

Curfman Gallery

Flea Market


CSU Bookstore
Accounting Information970-491-5005970-491-4866
Art & Engineering Supplies970-491-1481

Clothing & Gifts

Customer Service
Electronics & Writing Supplies970-491-1481970-491-3355

General Book Information
Order Fulfillment970-491-0904

Special Book Orders
Textbook Adoptions970-491-1538

Textbook Information
Textbook Refunds970-491-7199

Dining Services

Aspen Grille

Bagel Place 1

Bagel Place 2
Bean Counter970-491-3881

Cam’s Lobby Shop

Carl’s Jr. Restaurant


Lake Street Market

Morgan’s Grind

Panda Express


Spoons Soup & Salads


Sweet Sinsations

Sweet Temptations

Taco Bell

That’s Wrap

University Club

Event Planning and Building Operations

Building Manager

LSC Environmental Services

Event Planning and Services/Room Reservations

Event Services Department Audio/Visual, Set-Up Crew

Maintenance Department

Executive Director’s Office
Executive Director’s Office970-491-6395970-491-6423

IT Services

LSC IT Help Desk

Lory Student Center Governing Board

Lory Student Center Governing Board

Lost & Found

Lost & Found


Marketing Department


Career Center


First National Bank

Fraternity and Sorority Life

James Salon

Off-Campus Life

RamCard Office


Recycled Cycles

Student Legal Services

Rocky Mountain Student Media Corporation

Transfort Transit Center

Student Government

Associated Students of Colorado State University

Student Leadership, involvement & Community Engagement
Co-Curricular Leadership970-491-0444


President’s Leadership Program

Volunteer Programs970-491-2175


All CSU employees are assigned a 9 digit number, also known as your CSUID. This number can be obtained from the LSC Payroll/Personnel Office within 48 hours after the initial hiring paperwork is completed and approved.

Once you have your CSUID number, you will register for your CSU Electronic ID, eID. This eID is used to log into systems, web applications, access email, and more. To register for your eID, access https://eid.colostate.edu/ and choose “Register for your eID.” You will then answer a few personal questions before you are able to register your eID.

Employee ID Cards (RamCard Office)

Career staff is encouraged to obtain a RamCard from the RamCard office. This card is free for new employees and is used for identification, secure access, as well as for Transfort, MAX and Around the Horn campus shuttles.

Getting a RamCard for a New Employee

The RamCard office is located on the second floor of the Lory Student Center. You will need to obtain a Kuali Internal Order form the LSC Payroll/Personnel Office to get your initial RamCard. They will contact you when they are ready for you to come in and get your card.  You will need to bring one of the following forms of identification to receive your RamCard: passport, driver’s license, state identification card, or military ID. You should be prepared to have your picture taken.



Classification of Employees

Employees of Colorado State University are categorized as:

1. Academic Faculty and Administrative Professionals

These employees are appointed by the Governing Board or President of the University as applicable, upon recommendation of University officials. See Section 2 of the Human Resources Manual for details.

2. State Classified Personnel

State classified personnel are appointed by the Executive Director and Chief Human Resource Officer of the Human Resources Department. These employees are classified according to and are governed by State Personnel Rules and Regulations and University policies. See Section 3 of the Human Resources Manual for details

Revised April 2013, http://www.hrs.colostate.edu/policies/hrs-manual.html

In addition to the career staff classification above, the LSC employs student, and non-student hourly employees. The majority of our student employees are CSU students, but we do occasionally employ students from other institutions. We also hire non-students who are considered 9-month temporary employees, please see the HR manual for rules regarding non-student hourly employee rules.

Revised September 12, 2016, LSC Employee Guidebook

Leave Policies

Please refer to the HR manual for specific guidelines on leave policies. As a general rule, the following leave balances are accrued for full-time employees. Part-time employees earn leave on a pro-rated basis.

Years of Service *Days EarnedPer MonthMaximum Accrual
1st through 5th1 Day8 Hours24 Days
6th through 10th1.25 Days10 Hours30 Days
11th through 15th1.5 Days12 Hours36 Days
16th and Over1.75 Days14 Hours42 Days

* Computed from the first calendar day of the month following hire unless the employee began work on the first working day of the month, in which case the first calendar day of the month of hire is used.

State Classified Sick Leave
As of July 1, 1988, full-time employees earn 10 days sick leave per year (6.66 hours per month). Part time employees who work regular, non-fluctuating schedules earn leave on a prorated basis based on the percentage of the regular appointment, rounded to the nearest 1/100 of an hour. Leave for part-time employees who work irregular, fluctuating schedules and full-time employees who work or are on paid leave less than a full month is calculated by dividing the number of hours worked by the number of work hours in the pay period. The percentage is then multiplied by the employee’s leave earning rate (number of hours a full time employee would earn per month) to derive the leave earned. Overtime hours are not included in leave calculations.

Administrative Professional Annual Leave
Full-time administrative professionals on regular or special twelve (12) month appointments earn annual leave at the rate of two (2) days per month.

Administrative Professional Sick Leave
Sick leave is earned at the rate of 1.25 days per month while on full-time appointment. Administrative professionals appointed less than full-time, but at least half-time (0.5) earn sick leave prorated by the part time fraction of their appointment. No sick leave is earned by employees working less than halftime (0.5) or employed on an hourly basis. Accrual is cumulative with no maximum.

Revised September 2016, http://www.hrs.colostate.edu/policies/hrs-manual.html

Attendance Guidelines

Attendance and Punctuality
Absenteeism and tardiness place a burden on customer service delivery, other employees, and daily operations. In the rare instances when employees cannot avoid being late to work or are unable to work as scheduled, they should notify their supervisor as soon as possible in advance of the anticipated tardiness or absence.

An employee’s attendance is a critical factor of job performance and a business necessity essential to the operation of the Student Center. When an employee’s attendance is not satisfactory, it has the direct consequence of affecting our ability to provide our customers with excellent care. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to review the situation and determine whether written corrective and/or disciplinary action is warranted.

Attendance Tracking
The LSC Payroll/Personnel Office is responsible for maintaining accurate Annual and Sick Leave records based on the employee’s leave requests and the supervisor’s approval. LSC Payroll/Personnel is also responsible for maintaining the employee’s electronic time entry, attendance records and overtime pay for eligible employees. It is the employee’s responsibility to document their hours worked, and to request all leave to be taken, in TimeClock Plus . The supervisor is responsible for approving hours worked and verifying leave taken in TimeClock Plus. Records should be kept in the LSC Payroll/Personnel office for any individual who receives corrective or disciplinary action documenting the name, date of occurrence, and specific action taken. Copies of formal discipline are kept in the employee’s personnel file, in addition to Human Resources.

LSC employees are required to use the TimeClock Plus for requesting leave. This system can be accessed using the following address/link: https://aar.is.colostate.edu and click on TimeClock Plus. You will use your eID username and password to access this system. Leave requests can be made by clicking on the “Request” tab. Further training and instructions can be found on the CSU Human Resources homepage or http://hrs.colostate.edu/timeclockplus/.

State Classified and Administrative Professionals who are classified as non-exempt will also be required to use TimeClock Plus to record hours worked on a daily basis. Access TimeClock Plus by logging into AAR (https://aar.is.colostate.edu) and clicking on “TimeClock Plus”.

Questions regarding TimeClock Plus, entering leave and/or hours worked, should be directed to the Payroll/Personnel Office at lcpayroll@colostate.edu or (970) 491-2324.
Revised May 11, 2018, LSC Employee Manual

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

The Family and Medical Leave Act, FMLA, of 1993 entitles administrative professional employees to 12 work-weeks of leave and state classified employees 13 work-weeks of leave during a 12-month period for (a) the birth and care of a child or placement and care of an adopted or foster child within 1 year of the event; (b) the serious health condition of the spouse, child, or parent; or (c) the employee’s own serious health condition. In the case of a non-state classified employee, the 12 month period will be rolling, measured from the 1st date FML is used to the same date 12 month later.

The full FML policy for all University employees except state classified can be found in appendix 3 of the Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Manual. FML designations and notices are to be remitted to the Human Resources Benefits Unit. FML questions regarding current procedures and forms should be directed to the Human Resources Department at (970) 491-MyHR (6947). NOTE: State classified employees are covered by the State of Colorado FML policy. Refer to Section 3 of the Human Resources Manual, for the specific provisions of that policy.

Revised September 2016, Colorado State University Human Resources Manual

Workers Compensation

Colorado law requires employers to provide workers’ compensation insurance for employees who are injured on the job, or contract disease related to their work duties, as determined to be compensable by the State Compensation Insurance Fund. Such insurance provides for medical treatment and lost wages replacement up to the average weekly wage established annually by the Colorado Department of Labor. A physician’s statement must be presented to the respective department by the injured employee stating the specific day(s) of disability caused by the accident or occupational disease

Colorado State University is insured for workers’ compensation under self-insurance maintained by the State of Colorado for all agencies and institutions of the State. Gallagher Bassett is the Third Party Administrator of all in state claims, contracted by the State, and all employer (University) responsibilities are handled locally by CSU Risk Management located on campus.

The University provides workers’ compensation for all paid employees except visiting faculty, student interns, and independent contractors. Contact Environmental Health Services or visit their web site at www.ehs.colostate.edu for detailed information and forms.

As of January 1, 1997, State Classified and Administrative Professional staff may be granted injury leave up to 90 working days with full pay when the employee agrees to allow weekly workers’ compensation benefits to be paid directly to the University. After exhaustion of injury leave, workers’ compensation benefits will be paid directly to the employee and the remaining one-third of the employee’s salary will continue to be paid by the University and will be charged against the employee’s accrued sick and annual leave. If the employee remains off work to the extent that accumulated leave is exhausted, the employee will continue receiving payments from worker’s compensation, but pay from the University will cease and the employee will be placed on leave without pay. See (Section 3 of the Human Resources Manual) for additional information.

Revised September 2016, Colorado State University Human Resources Manual

Professional Development and Training Opportunities

LSC career staff is encouraged to take part in professional development and training opportunities offered at the University. Each year in January, The Institute for Learning and Teaching, TILT, hosts the Professional Development Institute (PDI). PDI offers CSU faculty members, state classified personnel, administrative professionals, and graduate students an opportunity to explore a wide range of topics designed to enhance their professional growth and personal enrichment. It provides an opportunity to share ideas, explore issues, and gain insights into learning, teaching, and service, as well as other professional and personal activities.

The PDI is only one example of University-sponsored professional development opportunities. CSU’s training and organizational development site, www.training.colostate.edu, offers workshops throughout the year.

Professional development opportunities should always be discussed with your supervisor prior to making commitments to attend. Permission to attend is at the supervisor’s discretion.

Non-Discrimination Statement

Colorado State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, creed, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, gender, disability, veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or pregnancy and will not discharge or in any other manner discriminate against employees or applicants because they have inquired about, discussed, or disclosed their own pay or the pay of another employee or applicant. The University complies with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, related Executive Orders 11246 and 11375, Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 402 of the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended, The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Civil Rights Act of 1991, the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, and all civil rights laws of the State of Colorado. Accordingly, equal opportunity of employment and admission shall be extended to all persons. The University shall promote equal opportunity and treatment in employment through a positive and continuing affirmative action program for ethnic minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and veterans. The Office of Equal Opportunity is located in 101 Student Services.

Revised March, 2016, http://oeo.colostate.edu/non-discrimination-statement

Employee Self-Service

All salaried  employees are paid through direct deposit every month, on the last working day of the month. Hourly employees are paid on a bi-weekly schedule. Pay advises are available online through Employee Self-Service:

Follow these step-by-step directions to obtain your paystub and/or W-2:

  • Use an on-campus computer to sign in
  • Click this link:  aar.is.colostate.edu
  • Enter your eName and ePassword. Click OK.
  • Click on Human Resources
  • Click “Register for Employee Self Service”
  • Click on any item in the center column to view the information and print.
    • CSU Employee Self-Service:
      • Personal Information
      • Employee Information
      • Direct Deposit Information
      • Pay Advices (pay stub)
      • W-4 Tax Form
      • Employee W-2

To view information for an earlier pay period, select the date from the “Choose a Payslip” field and click “GO.” Please print pay advices two-sided, when possible. Visit the LSC Payroll/Personnel Office if you have questions.


Visit Parking and Transportation Services for details regarding parking permits and regulations; website: http://parking.colostate.edu/, address: CSU Parking Services, Lake Street Garage, 6012 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-6012, phone: (970) 491-7041, email: parking@colostate.edu

Work Breaks

Allowing work breaks is not mandatory. Employee breaks are scheduled in each unit at the supervisor’s discretion.


Theft, whether it is money, products, or a violation of policy (i.e. misreporting of time), will not be tolerated. Theft may lead to corrective/disciplinary action which may include termination.

Revised February 18, 2014, LSC Employee Manual

Sexual Harrassment

Colorado State University is committed to providing a safe environment for all members of our community, including faculty, staff, students, volunteers and visitors. This is not only the responsibility of our leadership through example, development of policy, and administrative actions, it is a responsibility that we all share, must be willing to understand and to which we must all contribute. Sexual harassment is an issue to which we must pay special attention, due to its particularly corrosive effects on our community, the legal ramifications of particular cases, policy implementation and the perception of our campus.

All university employees are required to take the Workplace Answers sexual harassment awareness online module. Shortly after their official start date, every new employee will receive an email from Workplace Answers with a unique link, associated only with them, allowing the employee to access the training module.

As an educational institution, we are committed to a healthy and safe environment, which is particularly dependent on the trusting relationships that develop between colleagues, instructors and students, and student peers. Sexual harassment in any form undermines this trust. As members of the CSU community, your assistance with the university’s efforts to ensure that we have a healthy, welcoming and safe campus for all is appreciated.

Please contact the Office of Equal Opportunity with any questions you may have.

Revised September, 2016, http://oeo.colostate.edu

Substance Abuse

The State of Colorado has a vital interest in maintaining a safe, healthful, and efficient working environment for its employees, clients, and the public. Employees impaired by alcohol or other drugs during work hours pose safety and health risks to themselves and others. To ensure a safe working environment, it is the policy of the State of Colorado that use of alcohol, other drugs, and/or controlled substances that results in job impairment is prohibited. It is also the policy of the State of Colorado that illegal possession, manufacture, use, sale, or transfer of a controlled substance on state property or during work hours by its employees is prohibited. Violations of this policy may be cause for management/supervisor intervention.

Revised December 30, 1999, http://www.colorado.gov/cdhsdyc/CDHS-Rules-Regs-Policies/P-CDHS-VI-1-3.pdf

CSU Guidelines Regarding Amendment 64 and Marijuana

CSU employees are prohibited from using, possessing or being under the influence of marijuana in the workplace. Because the use of marijuana is a federal offense under the Controlled Substances Act, the University is required to adopt – and has adopted – a policy that prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession and use of illicit drugs and alcohol in the workplace. CSU employees who violate this policy are subject to discipline, up to and including termination. CSU strives to maintain a safe workplace, and permitting employees who are under the influence of marijuana, just like with alcohol, to operate machinery or work with potentially hazardous materials or substances could create serious risks in the workplace.

While performing their job duties, CSU employees are prohibited from consulting or providing assistance with the cultivation, sale, distribution or use of marijuana. Any employee who provides such assistance shall be acting outside the scope of his or her employment and assumes personal liability for such action. Federal agencies continue enforcement activity against those who facilitate the illegal use of marijuana, despite state law. Also, CSU is not required to accommodate an employee’s medical or recreational use of marijuana. In addition, illegal drug use may have other consequences. For instance, illegal drug use is a bar to the acquisition or renewal of a Federal security clearance.

Revised February 18, 2014, http://www.colostate.edu/announcements/amendment64.aspx

Campus Emergency Guide

Emergencies: Threats to life and safety

  • Call 911 from anywhere on campus
  • CSUPD non-emergency number (970) 491-6425

Explosions or HazMat spills

Call 911 immediately.

  • Describe to 911 dispatcher exActly what happened and inform about any injuries.
  • Evacuate if safe to do so.
  • If there is an explosion due to a device/bomb, be aware that other explosive devices may be in the area.
  • If you come into contact with spilled material, immediately remove clothing and flush with large amounts of water.
  • Do not clean up a spill unless you are trained to dos o and have the proper equipment.


  • Call 911 immediately.
  • Move away from violence. If possible, lock or secure yourself inside of a room, preferable a room without windows.
  • Hide behind a desk, under a table, in a closet, or in a bathroom.
  • Remain still and quiet until you have been told by emergency responders that you can leave the secure area.

Active Shooter

  • If you are in a building, get out if possible.
  • Hide out if you can fins a suitable place of concealment.
  • Take out: be prepared to fight off the attacker if no other option is available.
  • Trust your instincts when making a decisions about the action you take.
  • Have a survival mindset: think about what you would do in such a situation in various settings.

How do I get information during an emergency?

  • The university posts messages to safety.colostate.edu.
  • If you are a student or employee, you can register for emergency text messages (info at safety.colostate.edu).
  • All students and employees are automatically opted into emergency emails.
  • Building proctors may also be a good resource.
  • What is my role of during an emergency?
  • Know how to perform emergency duties assigned to you.
  • Know and practice the emergency plan for my building.
  • Follow orders from emergency responders, include requests to assist.


  • Immediately active the first alarm and call 911.
  • Rescue anyone in immediate danger if possible without endangering yourself. NEVER enter an unfamiliar area, especially if smoke is visible.
  • Evacuate the building and close doors behind the las person to confine the first. Do not use elevators.
  • Provide information to the first firefighters or police who arrive.
  • Stay out of the building until you have permission to reenter it.

Bomb Threat

  • If you receive a threat via phone, email, social media, or other forms, call 911 immediately.
  • If via phone, keep the caller online as long as possible and note what you hear (background noises, accent, etc.) If possible, ask someone to call 911 immediately.
  • If received via email or social media, do not delete, forward or respond to the message.


  • Take shelter on higher ground in an area where rescuers can see you,
  • Do not walk or drive through standing water.
  • Ensure computers and equipment are turned off when safe to do so.
  • Evacuate if directed to by emergency responders and do not reenter the are until you have permission to do so.

Medical Emergencies

  • Look for addition dangers.
  • Call 911. Do not hand up until the dispatcher gibes you permission.
  • Do not move the victim.
  • Provide first aid in accordance with your training.
  • Stay with the victim. Keep the victim warm and talk to the victim until emergency responders arrive.
  • Send someone outside of the building or to the nearest street to wait for help and guide them to the victim
  • Do not clean up blood or vomit, or other bodily fluids, without proper training or equipment.

Severe Weather

  • Obey closed areas.
  • Know the designated emergency shelters in your building. If you have been asked to seek shelter, do not leave until you are told to do so.
  • Monitor severe weather through the radio or online resources.
  • Tornados that have touched down and lifted can touch down again within minutes or after as long as half an hour.
  • Listen of the lightening warning horn if your near the recreational fields, Challenge course, tennis facility of the Jack Christiansen Memorial Track. A 15-second horn blast means the potential for lightening is strong in the area, An amber light on the system flashes while a warning is in effect. Leave the open area and wait in a building or vehicle (not an event tent) until three short blasts which signal the all-clear.